Many people are always trying to learn about phenomena outside of Earth. Agencies like NASA have made several discoveries since its formation in 1958, with a major discovery being black holes.
According to the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, the black hole known as Sagittarius A* is a distance of 26,000 light-years away from Earth. It was photographed for the first time on May 12th.
The black hole is estimated to be about four million times the mass of the sun, with a ring diameter of 60 million kilometers. In August, the James Webb Telescope, led by Dr. Jessica Lu, could give us even more information on the black hole.
It found that Sagittarius A* is a smaller black hole compared to Messier 87, a previously photographed black hole.
“This is an important discovery for scientists because without these discoveries, you would never know how planets and space outside of us works,” said WJPS junior Giovanni Duran.
WJPS teacher Mr. Tesler said, “The discovery of this black hole gives us more information about our universe, and a new scientific discovery would always benefit our society by spreading more knowledge throughout the world.”
“Black Hole Image Makes History” by NASA Goddard Photo and Video is licensed under CC BY 2.0.