Greek Orthodox Easter, also known as Pascha, lands on Sunday, April 24th, 2022. Pascha is a holiday in which members of the Greek Orthodox Church gather to commemorate many traditions, including attending church and feasting with loved ones.
This is an important day, as it not only marks the beginning of spring, but the celebration of the death and resurrection of Christ as recognized by the Orthodox Church as well.
Niko Zournatzoglou, WJPS junior, stated, “My plans are to celebrate with my family, see
my cousins, and have some good Greek food.“
“I plan on going to my family’s house in Long Island, dyeing the eggs red for Christ and cracking them and eating them with everyone which is gonna be pretty fun,” commented sixth grader Vasili Athanasopoulos.
Sixth grader Thanasi Karakatsanis said, “I’m going upstate with my friends and family and we’re gonna cook a lot of lamb and crack the red eggs.“
Dyed red eggs are a main dish on this day, as they’re dyed to represent the blood of Christ, and cracking them symbolizes his resurrection from the dead.
Traditional foods consist of split-roast lamb, tsoureki (sweet holiday bread), Koulourakia (easter cookies), kalitsounia (sweet cheese pastries), and many others.
“Palm Sunday 2” by Aster-oid is marked with CC BY 2.0.