When it’s time to buy a new computer, many are left wondering which to choose. There are hundreds of options available which often leaves the consumer overwhelmed.
Each brand has certain defining features that make it stand out from the rest. Some claim that Apple’s Mac is superior to all other brands.
Nicholas Martinez, a senior in WJPS said, “I wouldn’t trade my Mac for any other computer. It is far greater than any other computer I have used.”
WJPS technology specialist, Mr. Myrtil, said, “…Windows computers are the better option. The spec sheet that Windows offers is beyond anything MacOS can provide.”
For people interested in heavy gaming, a Windows PC may be a better fit due to its customizability and compatibility with gaming softwares such as Origin or Steam.
Comparatively, for those that prefer a computer for multitasking or office work, a Mac may be more preferable due to the new M1 chip that handles hundreds of tabs of multitasking on Google Chrome.