As the start of the upcoming NBA season approaches, league officials have announced that players won’t be required to receive the vaccine. The league and the player’s association (NBPA) keep working out details on protocols and procedures.
Around 85% of the NBA players are vaccinated. The NBA has outlined strict protocols for those unvaccinated, although these are still under discussion. The protocols involve transporting and eating separately, as well as having lockers distanced from vaccinated teammates.
The NBA notified teams in late summer that employees that are within 15 feet of officials or players need to receive both doses of the vaccine by the start of the season. In early September, the league told New York and San Francisco teams that new laws regarding vaccination will be implemented for the Brooklyn Nets, Golden State Warriors, and New York Knicks.
“I think every human has a choice to take the vaccine or not. If they don’t then they should follow protocol, no questions asked. If they do then they should still follow protocol, but deserve more freedom than the non-vaccinated,” said Paul Cobourne, a WJPS senior.
“I think it was a great choice made by the NBA because the players have a say in it and a choice on whether they want to get vaccinated,” said another WJPS senior, Julien Prasso.
The league hopes that the proposed protocols should help keep any outbreaks from occurring during the season.
Photo: “NBA Championship Trophy” by afagen is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0