Chrissy Teigen, model, author and entrepreneur, recently announced the loss of her newborn baby via Instagram and Twitter. Fans, friends and many more have come together to send their condolences to Teigen and her family.
Teigen uploaded a black and white photo to Instagram in which she is in a hospital bed, adding a caption that explained the complications her baby had faced right after being born, noting that he did not survive. She followed up later with a tweet saying, “Driving home from the hospital with no baby. How can this be real.”
WJPS senior, Jonna Blaskovic stated, “I can’t imagine the pain her and her family are going through right now. People need to know this happens a lot and that there is no one to blame for it. She’s very blessed to have two other beautiful children and I hope that this doesn’t stop her from trying to have another child in the future.”
Another WJPS senior, Angel Morales said, “Obviously this is a very tragic thing to deal with. The family should take as much time as necessary to heal, but I think they should try again in hopes of raising another beautiful child.”