Genshin Impact is a brand new F2P ARPG that came out recently. The game is cross-platform, meaning that you can play from your phone, console, or PC.
The game is about you, the player, getting split apart from your sibling by a God. You wake up on a beach not knowing how much time has passed. Your mission is to find out where your sibling has gone.
It has received much praise and some negative feedback.
Alvin Zeng, a WJPS junior said, ”Playing with multiple players greatly diminishes the quality of the game, due to it being designed to help one persons world rather than everyone.”
Meantime, WJPS sophomore Joseph Vega said, ”I think that it’s a very good game, but I think it has a few major flaws. One being the horrible draw rates for characters and also the lack of quests late game.
This game has amazing graphics, it is very fun, and you can enjoy the fact that the menu screen changes from day to night based on your timezone.
It does have a problem where it really pushes the idea of using money to get better characters, however the game is still relatively easy without any real money needed.
We can expect many changes and fixes in the future for this brand new game.