by Alice Mungyu and Ruchi Vaidya, feature co-editors

As the cold weather is coming upon us, viruses such as the flu can cause symptoms (running nose, sore throat, fever, etc.) are some of the most common illness. Because of that, one must make sure to take proper precaution to prevent viruses spreading.
“Don’t touch anyone, don’t share food or drinks and bundle up when it’s cold,” junior Maryann Liu said.
Here are a few tips to keep the sickness away:
- Get proper rest and good nutrition to improve resistance and bolster immunity.
- Wash your hands throughout the day
- Cover Your Mouth When Sneezing or Coughing
- Avoid Touching Mucous Membranes (eyes, nose, mouth) With Unwashed Hands
- Disinfect Things That Everyone Uses (door knobs, etc)
- Stay Home When You Don’t Feel Good
- Avoid Direct Contact With Others If You or Someone You Know is Sick
- Don’t Share Items That May be Covered With Saliva (chap stick, water bottles, etc)
- Dress Appropriately to Accommodate the Weather
- Get A Flu Shot