By Emily Mulvey, Junior Reporter
People like to give gifts during the holidays, as the holiday season is right around the corner, here is some advice on how to budget when buying a gift for someone special.
When buying a gift for a friend, you would probably attempt to get them something that they would use often, so when buying something for them, ask yourself, “Is this something you know they will use often”.
For example, people buy their friends jewelry that they might not wear, which they won’t wear and it becomes a waste of your money. You don’t want to be the person that gets the gifts your friends can’t use; they give you a fake smile and say “thank you” for something they hate, get them something you know they would like.
For instance, get them gift cards for their favorite store. If you have a friend who likes coffee get them a Dunkin Donuts gift card or a Starbucks gift card. If they like clothes, then get them a gift card to their favorite clothing store.
You don’t have to put a lot of money on the card, put $25.00 or $35.00 it doesn’t take a lot and it’s a nice gift. If you do not want to give them a gift card, then give them something they always talk about, like a portable charger, lip gloss set, or some great smelling gifts from Bath and Body Works.
Look out for things your friends use often. If they ask you to use your perfume, get them a set of perfume, hand sanitizer and lotion. It’s a three in one gift and it’s not that expensive. If you have a lot of friends to gift, get everyone a different scent of hand sanitizer and maybe candy.
I went around my school and I asked people, “what is a good amount of money to spend on a gift for the holidays?” Some people gave me answers like,“ $25.00, $35.00 and even $50.00.” It’s not too expensive.
Getting gifts for your family isn’t easy either. If your gifting your siblings get them something they always use that is yours, so now they can have their own.
Make sure it is a different color or design so they don’t get mixed up. Buy your family gifts such as, phone cases,perfume,or maybe even clothes. If you’re buying gifts for your parents, you should buy them cooking supplies or ingredients, maybe even a gift card to a restaurant.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money for a gift. All you have to do is use your mind and think of what they want or really need.
If you don’t want to buy a gift make your friends a gift. Do a DIY gift! You can make them a nice photo album made out of construction paper and make it look like a book. You can also make your friends Gingerbread bath bombs; bath bombs got very popular this year, so that’s a really good idea. If you know how to knit, you can make your friends, a sweater, or perhaps a blanket.
It doesn’t take a lot to gift your friends and family. Just use your head and heart!