by Leah Toledo, staff reporter
Field Day is the time of year when each grade is assigned a color, compete against one another and participate in sports events at Crocheron Park. This event happens so often that most of our faculty and students look forward to it.
Many will argue that it is the best day out of the year, but others will disagree and say with the amount of activities happening all at once, it is a danger to our students. Although, most will argue that would argue that it’s an easy day where you’re able to relax, hang out and leave the school.
10th Grader Leni Bochow said, “I feel that field day is an amazing day. It’s nice how we get to do whatever we want. Whether it’d be listening to music in the shade with our friends or playing sports with the other grades.”
After talking to some students, there were very opposing views. While this student enjoys Field Day for the freedom of being able to hang out with friends, other students may enjoy it for the multiple sports and exercise.
12th Grader, Melanie Salazar said, “Everyone is either getting hurt from flying balls or doing nothing. For the kids that do not like sports and don’t want to attend this event, they either stay home and if they can’t stay home they have to stay at the school and do assignments. Field day has a lot of positives, but a lot more negatives.”
12th Grader, Kevin Cosgrove said, “It’s amazing how old I got so fast, and in that football game I gave it all I had and I wish I had another chance to beat the teachers.” From someone who has been at WJPS since sixth grade, he believes that it’s more about the memories you make rather than the injuries you gain. Even after getting injured he still remains a strong supporter of the event.
Everyone enjoys their day at Crocheron Park by doing something different. This year students had the opportunity to choose which sports they prefer to play, or sit around the perimeter of the park, enjoying the view. Overall, Field Day is a yearly tradition at WJPS and whether you enjoy sports or not, you are sure to have the best time with your friends.

Photos by Serena Minca and Amanda Triantafellou