by Esther Animalu, editor in chief
Space. Having an abundant amount of space would be crucial for one’s well being. There’s more room to roam around, to breathe, to play, to explore. Whereas no space at all, is like being crammed in a closet with mounds and mounds of people. This metaphor best describes the need to expand our area of space.

World Journalism Preparatory School currently shares a building with two other schools, I.S. 25 and P.S. 233. As a result, students are limited to the places they can go, as well as when and where to socialize. Faculty and students are unable to use the immense schoolyard when requested and are also unable to use certain staircases because it may cross into a boundary of a different school. Thus, students as a whole are unable to have the locker rooms, the lunchroom, and the gym all to themselves without the disturbance of another school.
Each and everyday, more and more students seem to complain about these stern conditions one way or the other. If World Journalism were to have its own school building, there’ll be various activities that most students can enjoy, more clubs, more events that cater to teachers and students interest, as well as more supplies and expansion for broadcasting, and publication.
“With more space, they’ll be more school spirit since we’d have more people like Bayside and Francis Lewis,” sophomore Julia Aiello said.
As a result, this will enhance the technology, enjoyment and athletic quality of the school, thereby making more and more students amused to get involved in the school’s society.
According to, studies show that students who are involved physically in school are likely to gain more self-confidence, better teamwork skills and school pride from being actively involved in their education and extracurricular classes.
”I would participate in school activities like sports, because we can compete against other schools and we have more room to operate. More activities means more fun! Also being physical will keep students in shape and it’s fun,” senior Ivana Pitino said.
Teachers may also notice a positive change in their relationships with students when it comes to hands on projects, as well as group projects.
Furthermore, more space will allow students who pursue a journalism passion or may simply be interested in World Journalism to get accepted, rather than accepting a limited amount of students routinely each year. Likewise, the school will also have an extra boost of school spirit. Therefore getting a school building assigned to only World Journalism Preparatory School, would be a beneficial advantage.
However, with having our own school building comes with many disadvantages which can impact the school’s society a great deal. Having our own building would mean, World Journalism wouldn’t be considered a “small school” anymore.
Some students and teachers may be fond of small schools, rather than an immense school because recognizing familiar faces brings a sense of comfort, there’s less teachers, getting to each class on time isn’t a hassle, each classroom wouldn’t be packed to punch with students because of the limited space, and remembering most teachers regardless of one’s grade, is a much easier task.
“I enjoy small schools because everyone knows everyone and the teachers recognize everyone. I would like our own school building but it should be small or medium,” senior Julia Maldonado said.
Whereas, having a vast school would mean, not expecting to find the same sense of a smaller community, recognizing students would be complex, interacting with teachers would be somewhat difficult because there’ll be more students in each classroom, it would be less accessible to resolve issues or get help with subjects, some students may not feel comfortable with the large class sizes, if learning best for a student happens while being able to interact during class through discussion or hands-on activities would be challenging with the number of students.
“I like small schools, it’s nice to see and know almost everyone and their personalities. If we had a giant school, students would seem like ordinary people we pass by on the streets,” senior Melanie Salazar said.
Also, students won’t get as much individual attention at a big school, teachers may struggle with remembering students’ names due to the sheer number of pupils that they teach on a daily basis..
“I like big schools because it allows the department of education to create a better place and help kids get knowledge and have a more bigger and advanced society,” sophomore Zainab Ali said.
All in all, if World Journalism Preparatory School were to have its own school building, nothing would be the same. The circumstances can change either for the greater good, or for the wrongfully worse. Despite all odds, not only would the school become more dominant, bountiful, prosperous, and inspiring than it already is, doors can finally be unlocked to unleash more positive opportunities for students to change the future. If only the school were to expand its area of space.