by Nicole Garofalo, staff reporter

There is finally a club in this school where students of different sexualities and gender identities can feel safe and be with others who are like them. WJPS now has a Genders and Sexualities Alliance club, where everyone is welcome.
“I started the club because I know this school is pretty accepting, but there wasn’t anything to do and I wanted to start a club, so I thought, ‘Hey, I’m gay, there should be a GSA club,’” president of the club Veronica Portnov said.
Although the school doesn’t have such a large community of people who identify with the LGBTQ+ community, those who do, have a place where they can openly be themselves. No matter what a student’s identity is, sexuality or gender, they are welcome in this club.
“This club is a great opportunity for people in the LGBT community to come together and support each other. Even the people who aren’t in the community come and support their friends,” senior Mikey Riera said.
The club was started by freshman Veronica Portnov, with math teacher Mr. Mitchell as the advisor. They hope to use this club to spread awareness about the LGBTQ+ community, including how they are treated in society as well as representation in the school.
The Gender and Sexualities Alliance club meets every Wednesday during fourth period in the library.