by Nicole Stemmler, staff reporter
Hayden Williams is known for his amazing fashion sketches. Some of his works resemble celebrities and some collections are inspired by astrological signs, such as social media and Barbie dolls.
According to Hayden, he has been drawing since he was three years old. He drew Disney characters, which soon prepared him for a career as a fashion designer.
Hayden Williams has a large social media following. This has helped him to achieve such early success. He posts his renderings, some are his own designs and others are iconic fashion moments.
Hayden has also done many celebrity drawings like the image above of Selena Gomez. Hayden has done similar drawings of Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, and the Olsen twins.
At only 24 years old, Hayden Williams has a huge social media following and now has a clothing line with Asos. His line with Asos is a representation of Holden’s sophisticated and classy style.
Haydens collection in partner with Asos has classical shapes with very edgy elements. Hayden has made great triumphs in the fashion industry and may be an upcoming high fashion designer.
This article has also been published on Yurastylist’s blog.