by Megan Wuerz, staff reporter

The Do Something Club is a non profit group that helps to raise money for different charities through awareness and fund raisers. The school’s division of the Do Something Club co-presidents are Caitlyn Reid and Megan Wuerz, and the members work together to organize bake sales, town halls and raise money for various groups throughout the year.
During the month of November, The Do Something Club worked to raise awareness for Teacher Appreciation month. Recently, members of the class created posters for each teacher, thanking them for all of their hard work and dedication to the students of the school. Also, the members wrote holiday cards, which were sent to US soldiers stationed around the world.
One of the Do Something Club’s biggest fundraiser is during the month of April, when the club raises money for the charity Autism Speaks. Autism Speaks is a non profit organization that raises money for autism research, helps families who have been affected by the disorder, and increases the public’s acceptance and knowledge. In 2016, the Do Something Club raised over 1,000 dollars for the foundation. The presidents and Ms. Robinson were invited to an honorary dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City to receive the Bronze Supporter Award.
“The Do Something Club helps shape who we are as a community,” Do Something Club member Melanie Dobuler said.
The Do Something Club continues to have many different fundraisers throughout the year and with the participation of the school. The club fulfills its role by raising money for various charities and helping those in need.