by Alexsis Arvelo, contributing reporter

After cancelling her world tour in August due to medical issues, 24-year-old Selena Gomez made a comeback at the 2016 American Music Awards (AMA’s).
The star was diagnosed with Lupus, which is an inflammatory disease caused when the immune system attacks its own tissues. After keeping this secret for three years, she finally announced her disease to the public, explaining that she was suffering from side effects, such as panic attacks and anxiety.
“I think that it was a good idea for Selena to keep her diagnosis a secret. She deserved the privacy and I don’t think it was anyone’s business anyways,” sophomore Ariana Figueroa said.
Gomez also revealed she had undergone chemotherapy to treat this disease. She made an appearance on the Ellen Show back in July stating “…and I think it was just very complicated because I didn’t understand and then that was something I did want to keep private until my whole life suddenly wasn’t private.”
Aside from cancelling her world tour, the pop star took time off of social media as well. Gomez surprised fans when she made an appearance at the 2016 AMA’s on November 20th. While accepting the award for Favorite Female Artist, she delivered a heartfelt speech saying, “I think it’s safe to say that a lot of you know a lot of my life whether I liked it or not and I had to stop. Because I had everything, and I was absolutely broken. And I kept it together and I swore I would never let you down, but I kept it too much together to where I let myself down. I’m not trying to get validation, nor do I need it anymore.”
“I feel she needed some time to reflect on herself but now I think her fans need to hear more from her because she inspires them and they need her,” sophomore Sofia Serrano said.
Gomez sent out hope to those who have been in similar situations as her stating, “If you are broken, you do not have to stay broken.” The star was applauded as she ended her speech and is seen as a big inspiration.