by Nicole Yu and Melissa Chen, staff reporters

Many schools require students to wear uniforms for a variety of reasons. Some students believe uniforms are unnecessary and shouldn’t be required, while others believe that there is a purpose behind them.
“A school uniform reinforces the sense of responsibility that students should feel with their actions and behaviors outside of our walls. It is not only the responsibility of the faculty to uphold this reputation, but the students as well. Our school uniform is a reminder of that responsibility and a badge of honor to be part of such a prestigious community,” assistant principal Mr. Petrotta said.
Uniform requirements help students reduce latenesses. They will take shorter amounts of time when choosing their outfits in the morning.
They also create peaceful environments in schools. The number of bullies will decrease if everyone wears the same outfit. It also shows pride by letting others know the school of attendance. Wearing uniforms also provide students with respectful and formal aesthetics.
“They [uniforms] may seem like a hassle, it is important to think beyond oneself and to view the big picture benefits that school uniforms impact not only on the developing young adult, but to the school community as a whole,” Mr. Petrotta said.
However, a disadvantage of uniforms is that there are limitations on what students can wear. Many people believe that an outfit defines who they are, so wearing uniforms will limit their freedom of choice/expression. Without that freedom, some students protest or rebel against the school by wearing whatever they want. Also, most schools require students to purchase uniforms, which are expensive, without considering that some families may not be able to afford them.
“Uniforms aren’t beneficial because it’s better being able to dress however you want. For example, I’m in college now and I can wear whatever I want,” alumni Kaila Pulley said.
Although many students believe uniforms have no beneficial values, uniforms have their advantages that outweigh the disadvantages.