by Nicole Yu, staff reporter

It’s that time of year again for Student Government debates. Students formed slates and ran against each other, letting their fellow classmates decide which slate is the best.
On June 8th, 2016 a town hall, organized by Student Ambassadors, was held for the debate. The middle school debate was 7th period and the high school debate was 8th.
“I felt confident because I was preparing for what to say and knowing how badly I wanted to be a part of Student Government, I wouldn’t let one hard question get me stumped,” Student Government candidate Adriana Loh said.
Each grade created their own slate of four people: one president, one vice president, one secretary, and one treasurer. Slates from the same grade ran against each other, if there is one, and students will vote for the slate that they think best represents the student body.
“I felt confident because everything I prepared to say is 100% true. I firmly believe in my slate and our capabilities,” Student Government candidate Kayla Morell said.
Students from each slate were asked a series of questions, from both the mediators and their peers. The way they answer the questions changed their classmates’ decisions on who should be chosen for Student Government next year.