by Marianna Brogna, junior literary editor

Two bombs went off in Zaventem Airport, and a third in Maelbeek metro station in Brussels, Belgium.
There are 31 people confirmed to be dead, and over 261 wounded from the attack that happened early Tuesday morning of March 22nd.
“Our own worst enemy is ourselves, people are animals and humans will be the death of mankind,” junior Jeremy Mossesson said.
There were three suspects that have been identified, two of them being brothers. Authorities say, Khalid El Bakraoui, 27, used a suicide bomb to blow up a metro station in Belgium’s capital. Bakraoui and his 30-year-old brother detonated a bomb in the city’s airport. The Belgium police have also captured the chief suspect in the Paris attacks a few days earlier.
“We’re taking in people without real documentation. We don’t know where they are coming from, we don’t know where they’re from, who they are… They could be ISIS, they could be ISIS related,” presidential candidate Donald Trump said.
Trump’s reaction has struck fear across the nation to better the security. As now people are on edge that this could happen anywhere.