by Christina Aurigemma, staff reporter

It was recently announced that open call auditions will be taking places for roles in High School Musical 4.
“I’m excited to watch it, but I know it will never be as good as the old ones. I hope they sing some of the old songs and it would be great if they bring back some of the old cast members,” junior Melanie Liapis said.
This movie is going to be the sequel to the other three High School Musical movies. As stated in other news sources, the original cast members from the first three sequels might not be returning for the fourth one.
“I am really excited for the movie to come out because the first three are some of my favorite movies. I feel really nostalgic and I hope it is similar to the original,” junior Nicole Stemmler said
Many people are really excited for this movie because when the first three came out, they enjoyed and loved watching them. Many people loved the catchy music and songs that were played and sung by the cast members throughout the movie.
They are excited to see who will be casted in the new movie since it was stated that the old cast members won’t be a part of the fourth one.