by Jaclyn Thompson, news editor
In honor of seniors, Six Flags put together Grad Nite(s). On Friday, June 3rd, seniors enjoyed a night filled with roller coaster rides and music.
“I hate rollercoasters but went for the memories,” senior Michael Vezyrakis said.
Seniors were free to do whatever they wanted but had to meet at certain times. From 8-9 PM seniors from other schools all joined together for a “dance party” as they cleared the park from other people.
“Eating a funnel cake then riding a bus home was a terrible idea but other than that it was the best night of the year by far,” chaperone Mr. Gembara said.
Both seniors and chaperones were offered a free buffet that included chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, hot dogs, ice cream, etc…
Roller coasters barely had lines which allowed seniors to ride them more than once.
“It was amazing to be able to ride as many rollercoasters as many times as you want without getting off and fun to ride with the amazingly well behaved seniors for the most part,” chaperone Mr. Van Deurs said.
Seniors left the park at 1 AM and got back home at around 3 AM.
This was just another memory to add to the seniors’ time spent here and one of the last ones that the seniors will make.