Jaclyn Thompson, news editor

Students take high school for granted. They are given opportunities that soon they will no longer get. Senior year comes around and that’s when they are less appreciative. Seniors can’t wait to leave the place where they spent the last four years.
Seniors wait for their graduation day so they can move on with the rest of their lives. They are not only saying goodbye to high school, but they are also saying goodbye to their childhood. That’s what students don’t realize – high school is the last few years one gets to be a kid, and yet the majority of students are quick and eager to say goodbye to it.
“I think a lot of people are excited to be free, as people would say, and to them freedom is this new thing that they want to experience,” senior Kailia Pulley said.
That test that one got away with cheating on, won’t fly in college. That essay that one handed in late… Don’t even think about it. Seniors are so used to being babied, so are they really ready for the freedom that awaits for them?
It’s common to hear someone say, “High school will be the best years of your life.” However, senior year hits and students care less about school than they ever did. People stop showing up and doing work, not realizing that the senioritis they encountered is jeopardizing the advantages they received in high school.
“I miss high school because of the close relationships I had with my teachers. I wish college was more like that. I also miss not having to walk so far to get to my classes everyday,” alumni Laina Vitarelli said.
Not everything in high school will be missed, but a majority of things will be in one’s memories for the rest of his or her life.
“School may be hard, annoying and irritating. But admit it, you’re going to miss it in the end,” Anonymous said.