by Christina Aurigemma, staff reporter
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2, the sequel to My Big Fat Greek Wedding, was released on March 25th. The first movie was released on April 19, 2002.
The movie was a big box seller. Many theaters’ tickets were sold out in a few minutes.
The movie revolves around grandparents, who realized that their marriage certificate was not signed off. Therefore, they had to have a “Big Fat Greek Wedding” all over again.
“I thought it was a really good movie and since I am Greek, I got most of the inside jokes. The second one was funnier, but I liked the first one more,” junior Melanie Liapis said.
Many of the scenes in the movie related back to Greek culture, which was very pleasing to the crowd. Some things included them making their famous spinach pie.
“My Big Fat Greek Wedding was really funny. I enjoyed watching it with my family and being able to relate to a lot of the jokes being said in the film,” junor Adriana Loh said.
Some of the jokes that were said in the movie included the grandfather having a bad back, so he sprayed windex on it because “windex cures everything” in Greek culture. Also, when something happened, the whole family found out everything within two minutes because no one could keep a secret, they always had to tell each other. Whenever something had to be done, the whole family went along to help out.
According to Rotten Tomatoes, the movie received a lot of positive feedback from the audience but not so much from the critics but it was still an enjoyable movie for the audience.