Students take the MOSL twice a year for every main subj. They take one in the beginning of the year and another, towards the end of the year. The MOSL's help to show how much the students have improved. This week was another week full of testing for the students.

by Jaclyn Thompson, news editor
At the beginning and end of every year, students take the MOSL [Measure of Student Learning] exam to see the growth of what they have learned throughout the year.
On Tuesday and Wednesday students took the English and Math, on Thursday and Friday they took Social Studies and Science. For each test students were given two class periods to complete it.
“I think the MOSL is fair because it tests us on our knowledge of the year unless your teacher didn’t teach you it,” sophomore James Panagakos said.
Teachers have the option to count the MOSL as a test that affects one’s grade. The MOSL taken this term were the same format but different topic/questions as the one taken at the beginning of the year.
“I’m happy we don’t have a MOSL in forensics because these exams are a lot of work,” senior Angelica D’Armetta said.