Students and teachers faced off in a basketball game in the school’s gym after school on Thursday night. The final results of the game was 8075, with the teachers’ win. Picture attribution to Nicole Yu.

by Nicole Yu, staff reporter
Students and teachers faced off in a basketball game in the school’s gym after school on Thursday night. The final results of the game was 80-75, with the teachers’ win.
“It’s been 5 years since the last Sports Night. One year, I had some personal issues, another year was because the gym was under construction, and another reason was because there was lack of teacher involvement,” physical education teacher Mr. Maroney said.
Many teachers played against the students in the basketball game. Some of them were Mr. Mengani, Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Douvres, Mr. Vandeurs, Mr. Reff, Mr. Mullen, Mr. Angeles and Mr. Maroney.
“During the game, I rooted for the teachers. I’m happy they won, but it could’ve been a better game if they put more effort into it,” junior Natasha Silva said.
Each grade consisted of three to five students. Students and teachers played five-on-five, having substitutes from time to time. There was a referee who watched over the game to make sure everything was correct.
“My experience with Sports Night was great. There were a lot of people, everyone was excited, and it was a competitive game. At the beginning, I thought we [teachers] were going to win. Then after a few minutes into playing, I was positive we were going to lose. But at the end, we won,” history teacher Mr. Thompson said.
Many people that participated or went to Sports Night agreed that it was a really good game between the teachers and students.
“The results of Sports Night met my expectations because the teachers won, but we worked as a team. My experience was fantastic. It was the best game, and it was the most people we’ve ever had at Sports Night. It elevated school culture,” Mr. Maroney said.