by Anthony Chianese, staff reporter
The Democratic and Republican parties are the two biggest political parties in the United States, 48% of registered voters are Democrats, and 39% are Republicans. The biggest difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats are more liberal and open to new ideas (so they look to the future), or left leaning, while Republicans are more conservative and hold traditional values (look to the past for help) or right leaning.
In terms of economy, Republicans favor free market laissez-faire Capitalism and let the market decide on wages. Liberals want higher taxes and more government regulation on businesses.
Conservatives want to outlaw gay marriage and abortion, due to religious beliefs, while the liberals are in favor of it.
These back and forth viewpoints also go on with a lot of issues, such as immigration, guns, healthcare, and foreign affairs.
The Democratic party was formed in 1792 by Thomas Jefferson as an anti-aristocratic party. They use the name Jeffersonian Republicans, or just Republicans.
The name Democrat didn’t come until the presidency of first Democratic president, Andrew Jackson, in 1829. Jackson and the new Democratic party supported states’ rights and expanded slavery to the new western territories. He also opposed the Whig party and Congress on polarizing on issues such as, the Bank of the United States. Jackson’s political career was tarnished by moving all native American tribes on the east side of the Mississippi to the west side, known as “The Trail of Tears”.
“The Democratic Party is the unifier party, and it’s what the U.S needs. We had a lot of great presidents such as FDR and JFK,” junior Frank Ferrara said.
The Republican party was formed in 1854 after some Whig party members, who opposed the “tyranny” of Andrew Jackson and the act of bringing new slaves into the newly formed states. In 1860, when Abraham Lincoln won the presidency for the Republican party, the Democratic south seceded from the union. After the North won the Civil War, the Republicans were victorious and passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, giving equal rights to newly freed slaves.
“The Republican party had some of the best presidents, like Abraham Lincoln, who united the country and freed the slaves. We also had Reagan who bankrupted the Soviet Union,” junior Justin Raclaw said.
In modern times the Republican party is in control of the 114th U.S. Congress, controlling the House of Representatives (246-188) and Senate (54-44). Serving under a Democratic President, the legislative and executive branches often fight on political issues.
Some very important Democrats in American society are Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, and Al Gore. Some Republicans include Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, and George W. Bush.
Over the years many of these people had huge impacts on our lives, and decisions made many years ago still affect us today.