by Michael Fiscaletti, fact checker

The 2016 U.S Presidential Election is, unsurprisingly, a topic of strict controversy. Various opinions regarding the candidates, their personalities, their backgrounds, and their policies are, like most political opinions, very passionate and easily spark argument.
There are many different mindsets in the electorate. Some people vote for the politician who they believe in: the man or woman who they see as capable or successful in representing the values and political intentions that they do. If a voter does not have such esteem for any of the available candidates, one may cast his or her ballot for the person who holds beliefs closest to what he or she does, and settle for that. Additionally, if no candidate really suits a voter, the voter may simply vote against the person they dislike the most.
“I look for issues that matter to me; and feasibility. I don’t like it when a politician says they want to do something that isn’t feasible, or realistic. Plans of action are also very good,” IEP teacher Mr. Petrotta said.
Electing our next president is not about electing the lesser of two evils, it is about electing the greatest, most deserving, and most capable, of all of the American peoples; appointing that person to a position of leadership, having faith that he or she can serve the rest of this country in a positive way.
“You should be confident that this candidate can do something for this country,” senior Demitri Mihalios said.
The mindset of the electorate is flawed. Why vote at all if one does not believe in those they cast their ballot for? What does one achieve in keeping somebody they dislike out of office, if they are not putting someone they like in office?
The electorate should keep their values in mind as the 2016 Presidential Election approaches. All voters should be voting for the person who they believe in, not just against the person they dislike, and especially not for anybody they don’t whole-heartedly support. When one votes, it is his or her own values that the voter should be seeking in the candidate one chooses to vote for. In no situation must it be an act of settling.