by Marianna Brogna, literary editor
There was a bomb threat in the city of Los Angeles that drove the city schools to close for that day. They were reopened on the following Wednesday, December 16th, to recognize that the threat was a hoax.
That same day, St. Francis Prep High School received a suspicious call about a bomb threat in the building at 12:40 pm. The staff immediately engaged in a soft lockdown and the police were contacted, whom arrived in a few minutes.
A sweep was performed over the entire building there was no threat found. This process took about 45 minutes, and was ruled to be a hoax. The students returned inside the building after the sweep, and were dismissed from homeroom, with no cancellations of after-school activities or sports.
“That’s really scary, and I’m glad everyone is alright and safe,” Calhoun high school junior Mckayla Steffens said.
Principal, Patrick McLaughlin, assured the parents that the school remains a safe environment for the staff and students, and thanked them all for their cooperation.