by Madeline Heinsen, staff reporter
Expenses are beginning to pile up for the graduates of 2016 as the costs continue to rise. Future graduates are now contemplating on how to pay for the senior trip to Six Flags in June, their Prom tickets and also other Prom-related expenses that are around the corner.
“I think they’re too expensive and our school isn’t using our money the right way. Our school is really small so I don’t understand where the money is going considering the turnout isn’t that good,” senior Alexis Carr said.
Costs for senior artifacts such as the yearbook, senior dues, graduation costs, college enrollment deposits, senior clothing and senior pictures are beginning to worry college-bound seniors who should be saving up to pay for tuitions and for the repayment of future student loans.
“There are a lot of senior expenses, everything is extremely over priced. I don’t understand why since these activities do not require such a budget. Why should we have to pay for graduation when we’re having it in our own building. It doesn’t make sense,” senior Christian Olivio said.
Seniors taking AP classes are now required to pay $92 per AP exams to be taken in May adding to the abundance of required senior expenses. If not paid, the course will be removed from the student’s transcript.