by Melissa Chen, staff reporter

Elections for the 2016 president are just around the corner. Citizens under the age of 18 are not allowed to vote, but should they still care about politics?
Legally, a person has to be a citizen, by birth or naturalization process, and be over the age of 18 to be eligible to vote. Also, the person must be registered to vote.
Most students aren’t allowed to vote, but they should still care about politics because it’ll affect them in the future. If the president makes the wrong decision one day, it is up to the younger generation to fix it. Problems can lead to other problems until there is a solution. Like a domino effect, one block will fall on the next until they all collapse.
“Yes, because the decisions that are made today affects them in college and their jobs, so they should definitely care about politics,” history teacher Mr. Tesler said.
Most people believe that students should care about politics, even if it doesn’t affect them.
Some may say that students shouldn’t care about the politics because students won’t be able to have a say in the voting process. Most people rely on adults to make the right decision because adults are more mature than students are. Adults lived longer and know what to expect and also have more experience in the political world. That’s why adults are allowed to vote and students aren’t.
“Yes to some extent because they should be prepared with politics in the adulthood, but students also have other issues to worry about, like school and college, so they should focus on that,” junior Naomi Parris said.
Now having heard both sides of the story, students should care about politics because students will be given the responsibility to vote in a few years. Students should get familiar with what’s going on now, so they’ll know what to expect when they’re given the opportunity to vote.