by Marianna Brogna, junior literary editor
Due to the recent cry for a raise in minimum wage, NY is fighting to raise it to $15. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that the wage for workers in NY will gradually increase to meet this.
After the minimum wage just increased to $9.00 from $8.75, this increase to $15 will make NYC the highest in the country, as it will increase the pay of 2.3 million New Yorkers. The governor plans to do this the “old-fashioned way”, by knocking on doors and making phone calls.
“I think the raise is good, but I also think it is bad because someone shouldn’t be getting $15 an hour for working at some place like McDonald’s when they could have done something else better,” junior Natasha Silva said.
With California recently changing their minimum wage to $15 an hour, New York may not be far behind.