by Jaclyn Thompson, news editor
Seniors who are turning eighteen by the end of 2016 were invited to sign up to vote. On March 18th, students gathered in the auditorium to engage in the signup process.
Min Kwon (the organization that helped seniors register) joined together to convince the seniors why it is important to vote. Councilmen Paul Vallone also came to show his support and explain why he supports the community of seniors signing up to vote.
“I thought the Min Kwon organization were very organized and efficient,” student government advisor Mr. Nisonoff said.
Promoters made students chant “Let’s go vote” and “We are the change” to get the students excited about the process. One was able to sign up to vote if they turn 18 before the end of 2016, but have to be 18 before election day to be able to vote.
“It was very convenient and I’m glad all the seniors were involved,” senior Barbara Kasomenakis said.
At the end seniors were officially signed up to vote and given stickers, bracelets and candy to celebrate.