There was a town hall on March 29 to discuss next years EF tour. Students were given three options to choose from: Beijing and China; Italy, Switzerland, and France; and lastly, Greece and Italy. Photo attribution to Michelle Tejada.
by Alicia Massey and Michelle Tejada, staff reporters

Ninth, tenth, and eleventh graders were called to the auditorium for town hall. The purpose of this town hall was to give the students the opportunity to vote for next year’s EF Tours trip.
Students were given a slip and asked to pick one of the three different choices. The first tour choice was an eight day tour to Beijing and China, it would approximate to $2,225 per student and would be a thirteen hour flight. The next option was for a nine day tour to Italy, Switzerland, & France, the flight would be seven to nine hours and it would cost approximately $2,950 per student.
“Out of these three options I would consider the nine days going to Italy, Switzerland and France because it would definitely be a good experience. I also always wanted to go to France and try their food,” junior Howie Chen said.
A ten day tour of Italy and Greece was the final tour option. Students would pay approximately $3,105 and take a seven to nine hour flight.
“It’s pretty amazing with the school of our size of how many people actually have the interest to travel, see things, and experience other cultures. We tried to get as affordable as we can but we also want students to have choices as well,” teacher Daniel Petrotta said.
Students watched a video from this year’s trip to Barcelona, Spain, Milan, Italy, Monaco, and Nice, France.
Results of the survey will be announced later this week.