by Nicole Yu, staff reporter

Created by student ambassadors, the Knowledge Bowl took place during a town hall with students cheering for their grades.
“It took approximately 2 months to plan. I felt there could be less questions and students shouldn’t have decided not to do it last minute,” student ambassador Medina Surajpal said.
Planning for this event started around December, and the Knowledge Bowl took place during 8th period on March 2nd. Students who were chosen to participate had to work with their grade to answer one minute questions that were asked.
“A challenge we faced was publicizing the event because so many students had no idea that this event even existed, all of our planning went to waste because the wristbands we ordered never came (for fundraising), and we had issues with the posters,” student ambassador Amina Chowdhury said.
Although students didn’t get to finish the Knowledge Bowl, Mr. Nisonoff and the creators are planning to finish it in the library sometime during the week of March 7th, 2016. The 10th grade will finish their competition with the 11th grade, and the winning grade will verse the 12th grade.