by Anthony Chianese, staff reporter

Super Tuesday was a huge day for GOP (Grand Old Party) frontrunner, Donald Trump, and Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. Trump has 332 pledged delegates, leading Ted Cruz by over 100 delegates. Clinton is leading with 1074, over Sanders’ 426 delegates.
Trump claims the states of Vermont, Massachusetts, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. Oklahoma, Texas, and Alaska go to Cruz, while Rubio claims Minnesota. At this rate Trump is holding a dominant lead, and may be the Republican candidate. Clinton has a strong and steady lead over Sanders due to her super delegates, and will most likely be the presidential candidate also.
“At this rate, I feel like Donald Trump will be The Republican presidential nominee,” junior Justin Raclaw said.
Fifteen states later and Republican candidates Ben Carson and John Kasich have yet to win one, while Rubio has won one, Cruz, four, and finally Trump with ten. Super Tuesday was a big day for all candidates and has shown who should be running for President of the United States.
If you still don’t know who you side with as your candidate, you can take a quiz at this website.