by Rawlanda Hinds, staff reporter
Super Smash Bros and a couple of dudes really connecting (though girls are invited), that’s what Video-Gaming club is all about. Students meet every Friday from 2:30-4:00pm. Although they are not yet expanding their club outside the school they are excited to see where this new club can go.
“It [would] be really cool if we could get some [of] the people that are really good at Smash Bros. to go to a tournament,” senior and president Kerwin Arenas said.
“I would love to see more consoles, right now we only have sometimes the Ps3 but mainly the WiiU…but I want more games Xbox1, Ps4 maybe PC, more games not just smash,” freshman Jack Kramer said.
There’s a lot of energy and friendly competition between the club members ,often battling against Mr. Van Deurs (who always wins) and participating in mini tournaments between the club members. They interact and showcase unique techniques that they hope will help them win the battle.
“I get to learn new things, make new friends and I really love that. It’s thanks to Mr. V this is happening and I’m glad he did it because this is a club and people love video-games so it’s great for people to have these memorable moments,” senior Nathanael James said.
Check out the Video Gaming club when you can it’s a great way to start off your weekends.