by Matthew Hoffman, staff reporter & Eneid Papa, Webmaster
Highly acclaimed show, Rick and Morty, has presented its fans with a new mobile game “Pocket Mortys”. Pocket Mortys is a free spin off a Pokemon type game where Rick the scientist captures escaped Morty’s and aims to be the best Morty trainer of all the multiverses.
The game takes place in the Citadel of Ricks, where all the Ricks and Morty’s throughout the multiverse join together. The player is met with the challenge to battle other Ricks and aliens to become the ultimate Morty champion. However, the main goal of the game is to get back the portal gun which allows Rick to teleport to and from different dimensions.
The game expands in side quests as well, allowing the player to collect items from maps and craft eccentric devices for various interesting characters. The time stabilizing collar for the quest “Rick around The Clock” is just one of the many quests the player can complete for great awards.
The combat is also pretty similar to Pokemon. There are 4 moves that the player can choose from that consists of attacks, buffs and debuffs. Although, the animation of the combat is a big lackluster. There is only one hit animation and only a couple of sounds for the Mortys.
“It’s fun, addicting and free. It’s like Pokemon with Rick and Morty,” senior Christian Olivio said.
However when approaching the end of the game, the main task is to scavenge the plethora of multiverses and collect all the Mortys. There are a total of 101 Morty’s to use in battle, such as Evil Rabbit Morty, Blue Shirt Morty, and Cronenberg Morty. Some Morty’s can be quite rare while others can be combined and transform into more powerful Mortys.
It is debatable on which the best Morty is, but the most unique one would be “The One True Morty” which can only be obtained from the egg Morty. The egg must level up to level 20 to become “The One True Morty”. The player can use level up seeds to speed up the process (which can cost a lot of schmeckles (ingame currency)). An alternative is to use the Mr. Meeseeks box to instantly kill a high level enemy when you have the egg Morty in battle and gain a large influx of XP (experience points).
Pocket Morty’s has been a success for Adult Swim, gathering the attention of 1 million people on Android alone. The app is free for both iOS and Android users on the Play Store and App Store.