by Matthew Hoffman, staff reporter
Head down, dreaming straight doubt.

I lift my head for one second, and I already see people starting to pout.
People complaining about a restrictive jacket they did not choose
Or the lack of freedom during consumption, even though that freedom is nothing but a ruse.
Snakes dwell within these halls, spittin venom making you feel dumber
But suddenly they want to turn a new cheek when you pull out that magic pink stick of rubber.
I don’t understand why people are rewarded for doing drugs and putting on skits
Though what really matters is that society has suffered from a lack of compassion and wits.
But what people should understand is that this stuff doesn’t matter
You shouldn’t expect anything, life isn’t served on a silver platter.
Life shouldn’t be defined by how nice are your genes or BMI
But what really matters is whether your personality shines or thoughts go sky high.
Life is shrouded by these false expectations society throws up
Just remember to be yourself and get ready for that closeup.