by Madeline Heinsen, staff reporter
Two teen boys were subjected to months of sexual abuse/molestation by a janitor. The accuser resided in the Bayside/ Queens area and was employed at Cardozo High School before the incident as discovered by the Daily News.
William Romero, the janitor that officially worked at Kennedy High School but temporarily worked for Cardozo, was arrested on New Year’s Day after having a conversation on the phone with the victim and agreeing to meet up with him.
“I think it’s disgusting. His intentions were just straight up wrong. There are other legal ways to make money,” senior Terrell Jones says.
Romero accusingly forced the young teens to ejaculate in a cup and would sell the semen to a sperm bank for profit. Allegedly, Romero paid the victims with gifts and money to keep them satisfied and quiet.
An anonymous source leaked to the officials that these events were in occurrence. After becoming aware, the officers set up a “control call” and listened to the conversation. During the call, Romero and the victim agreed the meet up. Romero was unaware that officers were listening and they arrived in place of the victim.
“That man has issues. He should be in jail for more than 15 years but sadly it does not work like that. He’ll probably get three years maximum because he wasn’t present and didn’t actually touch the young boys during the settings, he should be charged under sexual abuse regardless even though the exchange was voluntary,” tech specialist Mr. Myrtil said.
After being taken into custody, Romero admitted to collecting the sperm but said he had not donated any of the samples yet.