by Kay Kim, staff reporter

Recently, the administration brought great attention to what they viewed as uniform violation.
On Thursday, December 3rd, during 3rd period, high school assistant principal, Mr. Jurman initiated a “uniform sweep”.
“I wouldn’t call it a sweep. It was tightening up on policy. Uniform has been too relaxed, so we decided to tighten up,” high school assistant principal Mr. Jurman said.
He required all students not wearing the proper uniform to report to the auditorium. Out-of-uniform means wearing leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, and any non-WJPS logoed athletic wear. Non-uniform upperwear includes non-WJPS logoed hoodies, sweaters, jackets, cardigans, t-shirts, etc…
Students were confused when they heard Mr. Jurman’s announcement over the loudspeaker.
“At first, I was scared because my khakis look like jeggings. I thought it was alright [to stay in class], but my teacher said I had to go. I asked Ms. Poulos [about the pants] and she said these [pants] were fine,” eighth grader Montana Tornatore said.
Despite the confusion, it seems that the uniform policy has been enforced since the “sweep”.
“99% of the students are in uniform. It [percentage of students wearing the proper uniform] is pretty close to 100%, compared to the 70% that weren’t [in uniform] a couple of weeks ago,” Mr. Jurman said.
More information about the uniform policy can be found in the student planner.