by Marianna Brogna, staff reporter
It’s that time of the year again when Starbucks changes the color of their coffee cups, but not everyone is in the holiday spirit. The coffeehouse chain has been accused of discriminating against Christianity by removing their Christmas touches to the logo.
This year, Starbucks has decided to keep the cups a cranberry red, to symbolize a blank canvas and grant their customers the ability to be more creative and embrace the simplicity of the holiday, but not everyone has been open-minded. Christians are now accusing Starbucks of “hating Jesus” and being “anti-Christmas”, all because a few touches were removed from the cups. You’d figure people would like this, with the cup not being too imposing.
“So many huge things are happening right now, and the color of a coffee cup is insignificant and a waste of time. It is just a vessel for me to drink my coffee, I don’t care what it looks like,” AP English teacher Ms. Sackstein said.
Starbucks says that the reason for these plain red cups is that they want to be more diverse with the country’s culture. However, a pastor, Joshua Feuerstein, challenged Starbucks, saying they hate Jesus. He began to tell his viewers that, when they purchase a cup of coffee, to write #MerryChristmasStarbucks, rather than their names. Starbucks has decided to mock them back with the hashtag, #ItsJustACup
“I think this controversy is pointless, I mean yes, religions can take this the wrong way, but red and green are common Christmas colors no one should get offended over it,” a Starbucks coffee drinker Samantha Robbs said.
The controversy has been ongoing, but Starbucks refuses to succumb to the eye of these people, and continues to keep their cups as they are, spreading holiday spirit.