by Matthew Hoffman, staff reporter
Leaving my house like any other day
Headphones in my ears, blocking out the nonsense
Deep in my mind is where my thoughts lay.
Always thinking what was but never what is
These thoughts have nothing to do with your success but failure
Part of me knows what’s right but the other thinks ignorance is bliss.
I revert back to reality seeing cars rushing by
realizing that was it, that could’ve been all there was.
Inspiration struck that I should no longer be grounded but spread my ideas and fly.
I continue down Utopia thinking why the street signs lie to me
This block was far from it filled with gluttony, greed and envy
I wonder, where has my Utopia gone, where could it be?
I arrived at the longest street thinking if this would continue to last
A fork in the road approaches with two people at each path
One always lies while the other speaks truth, but only one question lets me pass.