by Melissa Chen, staff reporter
1) If you weren’t a teacher, what would you want to be?
If I weren’t a teacher, I would probably do something in finance because I used to work for a bank.
2) How is teaching at this school different from teaching at other schools?
Teaching at this school is different from teaching at other schools because this school has a more collaborative tone than other schools do.
3) Why did you want to become a math teacher?
I didn’t like math in high school, but as I got older I started to appreciate it more because there is always a true and concrete answer. Also, it’s cool when you understand something.
4) What do you like to do outside of school?
I like too see my friends, go to the park, movies, and restaurants.
5) Did this school change you in any way? Negatively or positively and how?
It changed the way I taught because it taught me to vary my approaches when teaching, like using videos and worksheets
6) What is your favorite thing about teaching?
My favorite thing about teaching is helping people get to the next stage, and seeing their growth.
7) What is your least favorite thing about teaching?
My least favorite thing about teaching is when students are absent, late, or don’t love math.
8) If you weren’t teaching math, what other subject do you see yourself teaching?
If I weren’t teaching math, I would probably see myself teaching english.
9) Have you always wanted to be a teacher? What inspired you to become one?
No, I used to work at a bank, and was unhappy with my job. Since my previous job included math in it, I figured that I could be a math teacher.
10) Do you have any advice for students who want to become teachers?
For students who want to become teachers, they should do it and be prepared to work hard. Also, choose your school wisely; don’t just choose the first school that shows up, shop around.