by Rawlanda Hinds, staff reporter
New this year, the Fashion Club started by Ms. Papazoglou and junior Nicole Stemmler helped decorate and organize the International feast, as well as explore the artistic expressions of the students. They meet every other Monday, 4th period, in room 359. Currently, they are not accepting new members.
“I think the purpose behind fashion club is just to get everybody together and find a different art form and just work together and do a lot with community service,” President Nicole Stemmler said.
Recently, the club took a trip to The Museum at FIT to see the Global Fashion Capitals Fair + Fashion Show + Student Fair where designers brought outfits that embodied their country or popular around their area.
“Some of the countries were Argentina, Germany, China, Korea, Mexico, Turkey and it was very interesting to see what other countries were doing compared to what we have going on,” junior Elizabeth Browne said.
They have a lot more up their sleeves the Fashion Club has begun to make their mark at WJPS.