by Vivian Chang, staff reporter

China’s most controversial topic, the one child policy, was created by China in 1979 to prevent a population boom, since the population was growing so rapidly at the time. Three decades later, China is now allowing two kids per family.
“It’s an effective method to control population growth, but the government is depriving the children of the experience of having a sibling. Families should not be restricted on how many kids they have. The number of children that a family has should be their business and their business alone,” junior Cleo Zhang said.
Here in America, we have the freedom to have however many kids we desire. Nobody realizes that it’s actually a freedom that some other countries don’t have.
“Even though siblings might fight they will also help each other out in bad times,” Zhang said.
As of 2013, China has a population of 1.4 billion citizens. Here, in the United States, we have 322 million people, as of 2014. The baby boom in China occurred after World War II between 1946 and 1964. Almost 76.5 million babies were born within that time span.
”The Chinese population is going down right now. The baby boom from generations back are reaching their senior years so it’s a good thing that this policy is being abandoned,” Zhang said.
Overall, abandoning the one child policy is a good thing for the citizens of China. It allows them to expand their family without being fined. It may be stressful in the beginning when both children are toddlers but in the future, when they’re older, they wouldn’t trade it for the world.