by Brandon Malave, staff reporter

What led you to become a physics teacher?
“Originally I wanted to become a research scientist but I needed more credits to graduate in college and, since I got an A+ in my physics class, which was a required class for biology majors, they asked me to be a teaching assistant. Then I realized that I really liked teaching, especially physics. So then I changed all of my ideas, all of my applications and deferred acceptance to NYU and then instead went into teaching at Stony Brook.”
If you weren’t a teacher, what career would you have pursued?
“A research scientist or an animal rights activist, I’m also very passionate about that.”
How would you describe your experience as a college student?
“Focused, I was very focused.”
What was your work ethic as a college student and did it pay off?
Payed attention in class but also procrastinated a lot and didn’t study enough until grad school.
What tips would you give for being successful in highschool and college?
“Go to all of your classes. Its very important that you make sure you go to all of your classes. Do not miss class because you’re tired because it’s not worth it. The amount of work you would have to do catching up is way more than you would if you just went to class.”
“Eat breakfast everyday, I’m not kidding because you will probably not have time for lunch.”
“Take an acting class because it’s fun and it will give you a fun class to take while you take all of your other miserable classes.”
Do you think that teaching has changed you as person? If so in what ways?
“I’m definitely more patient now.”
What do you believe the pros and cons are of being a teacher?
“A lot of kids don’t know physics when they come to me so I get to watch them get excited about physics like the way I got excited about it and that makes me excited. So to teach kids something new, I like to watch them learn.”
“Something that sticks about teaching is that teachers get blamed for a lot of stuff that are not really in their control about kids. A kid comes to me at 16 and they are the way that they are and I’m not going to be able to change a 16 year old kid. So a kid that doesn’t ever study is not going to start studying in physics and a kid who doesn’t do their homework isn’t going to start in doing their homework in physics, but somehow every year that kid comes and I now have to take responsibility for something that I can’t change about a kid.
“It’s a shame because I have kids that try really hard and don’t do great, and kids that don’t try really hard and do great and it’s frustrating to see. I wish I could grade based on effort rather than how well I think they are going to do on the regents.”
Knitting, movies, watching television, and learning to cook. (Watches YouTube videos on cooking at home)
What sports teams do you like?
“Jets, Mets, Rangers, Knicks and tennis (Serena Williams and Roger Federer). I also like the United States men and women national soccer teams.”