by Nicole Garofalo, staff reporter

Most people know demons as mythical creatures, while others use this word to describe the battles they fight with themselves. Inner conflicts only they know and have to live with. Imagine living with this on a daily basis and not being able to escape it. People with these problems have to deal with others telling them “it’s all in your head.”
People argue that mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bi-polar disorder, etc. are just a trend that teens these days are getting into. However, it is far more serious than that. More than 90% of children who commit suicide have some kind of mental health condition. What kind of person would believe that children as young as 10 years old are killing themselves in order to keep up with trends?
There’s obviously something more serious going on; something only the person struggling can understand. Whether it’s a disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest, or one where people interpret reality abnormally, all mental illnesses have a long lasting effect.
Conditions like these don’t just stop in the mind. They can influence how someone goes at everyday life, even impact their work ethic. Victims of mental disorders are known to skip school or work due to problems caused by their illnesses. It’s even known that these disorders can affect others and not just the one suffering in silence. This is why it is so important that people stop acting like it’s not a serious problem.
Although they are called “mental disorders,” they are not the kind of topics to be taken lightly. Yes, it is all in their head, and that’s the problem. The fact that they have to live with it in their head makes it worse than most physical illnesses. It’s not something they can escape or completely recover from.
“Just because you can’t see someone’s mental health doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care. That would be like not breathing because you can’t see oxygen,” 24 year old college student Lauren Lavoie said, who has dealt with mental disorders, whether it be her own or people she’s close with.
Mental disorders should be taken more seriously, and be treated with more care. Think about it and act on it before another victim of mental illness, child or adult, becomes another victim of suicide.