by Michelle Tejada, staff reporter
Students went mad in South Africa after receiving news of the new changes for next year. Tuition fees were supposed to increase 10% but went back down to 6%. Students charge towards government grounds and university campuses.
Blocking officials, protesters claim that police officers used force to get rid of the crowd. Police officers felt that they were out of control.
“We agreed that there will be a zero increase of university fees in 2016”, President Zuma said.
President Zuma decided not to go on with the changes. Due to student concerns President Zuma stated the following in a consultation
“The President made a good call in stopping the spike because if people can’t afford to got to school then few will go and this will affect society. Society will not progress it will do the exact opposite,” senior Eduardo Escamilla said.
Students are still protesting on school campus around South Africa. Three schools remain closed while students fight for free quality education for everyone. Many feel that the apartheid has something to do with this. This is why they are still protesting even though the fee was taken down.
“To my understanding even though the president of South Africa said there will be no increase in South Africa I don’t think the students believe him. They still feel that they don’t have equal opportunity. People protest the nation of institution and that white South Africans by a large have better opportunity than black South Africans. That they haven’t addressed some of the legacy of the apartheid so it’s not just about the tuition itself, but the tipping point and it seems like a generational kind of protest,” AP Macro/parts in government teacher Mr. Mangani said.