by Alicia Massey, staff reporter
All freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT. The test consists of 60 minutes of reading, 35 minutes of writing and language, and 70 minutes of math.
Students take the PSAT each year starting from freshmen year and ending junior year. The seniors will not be taking the tests. For the PSAT/NMSQT, the scores ranges are from 320–1520 for the total score, 160–760 for each of two section scores, and 8–38 for test scores.
“It’s good to see the trajectory of the score. Kids usually improve and it’s nice for them to see what sections they need to work on,” Assistant Principal Mr. Jurman said.
It will take place Wednesday, October 14. The test is two hours and forty five minutes long. Students will get breaks in between a few of the sections varying from five minutes to two minutes.
“I’m not really nervous to take the PSAT because I’ve been studying. I should be fine,” junior Nicole Stemmler said.
In past years, a group of sixth graders decorated paper bags to make snack bags for the students taking the PSAT. It contained one snack: rice crispies and a juice pouch.
“I’m psyched that I don’t have to take it anymore but I’m upset that we won’t get the juice or rice crispies,” senior Joshua Vergara said.