Gun control has always been a highly controversial topic, sparking voices from all over the world, fighting for or against it. Picture by Angela Lee.

by Angela Lee, staff reporter
Gun control has always been a highly controversial topic, sparking voices from all over the world, fighting for or against it.
Those fighting for it defend themselves and bring up interesting points, using a range of reasons to argue why they think gun control is more than just a necessity. To them, it is the most reasonable choice in this debate, triumphing the argument people against gun control have.
“I am for gun control because too many innocent individuals have had to suffer as a result of people being allowed to own and travel around with these guns,” junior Amina Chowdhury said.
One reason some people are for gun control is for safety reasons. Guns aren’t sport and shouldn’t be so easily obtained. By increasing gun control, homicides and suicides across the globe may lessen, saving a countless amount of lives.
The second amendment states, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
When most people read this, they only pay attention to the second part.
As a whole, this quote used to be only about the militia, or military, until a law extended the use of guns to that of a regular citizen’s self-defense as well. From there, owning guns spread like wildfire, and while the public agrees with the use of SOME guns, they do not agree with how out of control it has become to own one.
“If they can take away your right to bear arms, what other rights can they take away?” global teacher Mr. Thompson said.
Gun control on citizens will not stop guns from being made and sold in secrecy, just like the beginning of the 18th Amendment, when alcohol was banned and people still managed to find ways to consume it. They would go so far as to make it themselves, in the comfort of their own homes, dying not too long after from cases of poisoning when it was improperly made.
In addition, having gun control would mean absolute despotism, as the only way to make sure no one owns a gun or very little people own their own guns would be to invade their homes and look at all their possessions. This is an invasion of space and privacy as well as unnecessary in the eyes of people who don’t support gun control.
Gun control will not apply to criminals. Most are more interested in not being caught, and if they are, rarely any would change for the better in captivity. If gun control didn’t work in places such as Germany, and there is still murder in the United Kingdom, who’s to say that putting a hard lock on guns or a red circle with a slash through it would really stop people in the United States from obtaining and using guns in secret?
They don’t support gun control for many reasons, but above any and all their reasons, they fear what else can be taken away if the government bans guns.
They feel as if their rights have been violated, as if their basic need for protection is suddenly robbed, as if without a loaded pistol… they may face a danger and not have a way to defend themselves.
People against or for gun control have strong, passionate arguments. Their beliefs are different, and one day… they may see their opinions change the world.
Gun control should be allowed because of its ability to change and improve lives. People would be safer in a world where there is less homicides, and see their lives change for the better when they put the gun down and reconsider suicide.
Having guns isn’t bad, but in a world where one thinks they need the assistance of guns to feel safe, the problem isn’t being trigger-happy, it’s learning that a gun is not a toy and should only never be treated as such.