by Jason Ruiz, Staff reporter
Point guard Jordan Clarkson proved himself on October 17, against the Golden State Warriors. In the first game he has ever played for the Los Angelese Lakers; he has left his imprint on the team. He scored 17 points and grabbed 5 rebounds, he played as if he was an all star point guard. Although the game was cancelled in the 3rd quarter due to wet floor panels, (according to ESPN) Clarkson could have got more points and even shelve out a few assists.
What people don’t know about Clarkson is that he was a late pick in the 2014 NBA draft, and he was the 46th overall by the Washington Wizards but was traded to the Los Angeles Lakers. He played in the D-league, on the Los Angeles D-Fenders in which he proved himself to be good enough to play in the NBA.
“He was a sleeper for sure, No one thought he was going to be good, I thought he was going to be a star, I’ve been following him for a long time,” citizen Vlad Moroianu said.
Clarkson was thought for sure to be nothing but a role player in the NBA, however he is proving himself to be a future all star, and hopefully a future hall of famer. He has proven himself as a future starter position in the Los Angelese Lakers later in career.
“He is a well rounded guard, he has proven himself to be a great player in the NBA,” junior Pedro Maldonado said.