by Jaclyn Thompson, news editor

As seniors start finish taking their final SAT’s [Scholastic Assessment Test] and ACT’s [American College Test], they start applying to colleges they wish to go too.
During the meeting with Mr.Lumetta discussed deadlines, how to apply to colleges and financial aid. Seniors and parents gathered on October 15th to get more information about the college process.
“The purpose is to help seniors to get through the college application process,” Guidance Counselor Vincent Lumetta said.
Students and Parents were given papers and were spoken to about FAFSA [Free Application for Federal Student], SUNY and CUNY options, and senior dues.
“It helped me and my mom a lot, I didn’t realize how close everything is coming,” senior Alyssa Malave said.
There will be more meetings like this in the future, but time is cutting short for the seniors, as they rush to meet the deadlines of the application process.